Processor Kit
- Obtained from NPC
- Lime 300 |
Control Kit
- Find It Dekaran 2nd from Munster title wolfen.
- Lime 500 |
Assembly Kit
- Obtained from NPC
- Lime 50000 |
Capsule (Special item which Human gets from monsters using collecting machine)
Cell Capsule
- Find It Dekadun 3 of Munster title Xpier-Kabal.
- Lime 1000
Antibiotic Capsule
- Find It Dekaran 2nd floor of a monster named Sickle Khan.
- Lime 1200
Genetic Capsule
- Find It Dekadun 3rd and 4th floor of a monster named Mace Kabal.
- Lime 1500
Harpoon Capsule
- Find It Dekadun 4th of monsters called Harpoon.
- Lime 2000
Khan Capsule
- Find It Dekaran 2nd from monster named Khan.
- Lime 3000 |