Upgrade Items with Gems

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The next item of jewelery is made with an item that increases efficiency by the level of refining. The amount of gems to upgrade items. Must take the gems that level is to ask which items you want to upgrade.

Amethyst For items level 1-30.
Topaz For items level 31-60
Opal For items level 61-90
Sapphire For items level 91-120
Ruby For items level 121-150
Emerald For items level 151-180
Diamond For items level 181-260
Regent Diamond For items level 261

How to upgrade

Click the gems, put them into the item.


From normal to +1 requires Gem 1 tablet.
From +1 to +2 requires Gem 2 tablets.
From +2 to +3, requires Gem 3 seed.
From +3 to +4 require Gem 4 tablets.
From +4 to +5, requires Gem 5 pcs.

When the upgrade is complete message


Message when the upgrade fails.


Terms of upgrading

  • Upgrade to upgrade from 100% Success Rate + 1 + 2 level or above will likely fail.
  • The Gem Amethyst - Emerald can upgrade items up to a level 5.
  • To upgrade to a + 5 + 0 if failure is reduced to a level upgrades for weapons can be upgraded up to level +15 Diamond.
  • For the Regent Diamond upgrade weapons can be upgraded up to level + 20.
  • The Regent Diamond Diamond and upgrade weapons to upgrade all levels. Jewelers use only level 1 tablet.

From +1 to +2 Gems takes 1 tablet.
From +2 to +3, the first tablet to use gems.
From +3 to +4 to take 1 tablet gems.

The Diamond level + 3 more if the upgrade fails positive hit is reduced. But will remain at a level not less than + 3.
Item level, +10, +11, when failure is reduced to + 9.
Item level: +9, +10, when failure is reduced to 8G.
Every time beating the upgrade fails, it will decrease and gradually reduced. If it fails again, but will remain at least a +3.

For the next 261 weapons with Regent Diamond.
+1 ~ +3 :100% chance of success.
+4 ~ +10 : 50% chance of success if the upgrade fails. Jewelers is missing.
+11 ~ +15 : 50% chance of success if the upgrade fails gems. Or random weapons are missing opportunities.
+15 ~ +20 : Success is less than 35% in the case of a failed upgrade weapons are gone.